

A Dream of A Dress

A Dream of A Dress? More like, a dream that my life would more closely resemble this photoshoot!

I realize that these shots from the September Vogue Italia Couture supplement are already out and about on the internet, but they were too jaw dropping not to share. Vogue Italia never ceases to amaze.

These are just a few of the best—the actual editorial is twice as long. I am ECSTATIC over the hair. It makes me think of perfectly sculpted hedges and French formal gardens. Or, alternately, ladies of the French court do sci-fi (Coneheads? Rocky Horror? I mean this in the best way, of course).

A Dream of a Dress, photographed by Paolo Roversi, Vogue Italia September 2009.


  1. Vogue Italia never ceases to impress me.

    You're so right, I want to live this photoshoot and I love the hedge like hair.

  2. Love your blog always such good photographs!

  3. I wonder how many people it takes to create those sculptured 'dos - perhaps knowing that a coterie of helping hands is behind them adds to the aristocratic allure. Stunning. EEE
