

The Barton Court Roller Disco

Sir Terence and Lady Conran's Gardener, Jonathan Chidsey, at Barton Court.  From House & Garden, April 1991.

Gardening photos are inevitably ridiculous, but this... this was one of the finest I've seen.

Rocking a shirtless, hairy chest, wavy poof of blond hair, tennis socks, dangerously teensy hot pants (okay, fine, but they're close) and a neck bandanna, I wonder if Gardener Jonathan Chidsey rushed back from a skanky 70s roller disco, just in time for his shoot. 

Then again, perhaps that's why Sir Terance and Lady Conran hired him.  I'd like to think he actually gardened (and still gardens, for that matter) in this (lack of) attire.


  1. Ha, you're so right. He totally looks like he just came from an all night roller party!!

    What does he do when he bends over?

  2. Oh good one-great one.I have thought of doing a what to wear gardening post-maybe a what not to wear is better-You may have reach that peak. He bears an eerie resemblance to Owen Wilson (before I read-I was sure that was him in a new movie-that might be quite good) I can see it now. GT

  3. This is too funny. I have grown a forest in my backyard and with shade and leaves, I have bushels of mosquitoes. I built stone walls, and here came the mice and snakes. I dress like a warrior: long pants, white turtlenecks (bees don't like white), boots, heavy socks, a large hat, safety sunglasses and while I hate it, need it: DEET. I hope this youngster has bites all over his keester...and then skin cancer in his 50s! Other than that, what's wrong with this picture?

  4. Everyone- your comments are hilarious, I am dying of laughter.

    Owen Wilson, yes, I completely, absolutely see it. And Maria, there is NO WAY this man could possibly bend over and remain decent. As for mosquitoes, the only think I can think of is that he must be going through canister upon canister of DEET, or otherwise must have some superhuman power to avoid bug bites. Not the most practical outfit for gardening, that's for sure.

    I would love to see a post about what to wear for gardening, though. Perhaps we could forward it along to Jonathan...

  5. I live in the UK and my bedroom window overlooks a number of allotments ( rented plots of land for growing vegetables).In the summer I regularly see people gardening in Jonathan Chidsey type attire and they don't all have his physique!As for DEET I don't think we get so much of a bug problem here.
