

The Silver Lining

A detail as small as red drapery lining can make a room. This actually reminds me of a photo The Sartorialist posted a while back, of a woman in a monochromatic outfit, back turned to the camera, the only color in the shot a sliver of red on the soles of her Louboutins.

And how fantastic is the decrepit canvas?

Southside House, near Wimbledon Common.  From Interiors, ed. Min Hogg and Wendy Harrop, 1988.

Also, thank you (thank you, thank you!!) to both Little Augury for listing (IN)DECOROUS TASTE as one of her "12 (new to me) blogs I love" (in great company, very humbling) and to Prêt à Porter P for making this the new "site of the moment."  I am extremely appreciative. 


  1. Loved it in Interiors and here the color is as wonderful. Love fabric and tapestry. I like the idea of red on the reverse, but not so fond of the way it "reads" from the street. That's where a castle/estate comes in handy. Drat!

    Glad there's starting to be a little buzz for you. I mentioned you today to Chinoiserie Chic. See did a post on the blog Art in the Answer, which you might like as well. Theresa Cheeks, the artist/blopgger on Art is the Answer is older than you, but you have very much in common. Aren't you glad Al Gore invented the internet?

  2. You're so right, the red lining, the old canvas, the dog and cane are all so perfect.

    Congratulations on the recognition.

  3. Interiors is one of the best all time of the interiors books-that is going a long way. I think the IN HOUSE-Mitchell Owens and Derry Moore will be in the same league.Thought I had added you to my blog list too-and have done it now.
    I need to go visit my Interiors book. GT

  4. I'm so happy you stopped by my I could then discover yours! Beautiful images!

  5. home before dark- Yes! Thanks for letting me know about Theresa from Art is the Answer. And thank you for mentioning me on Chinoiserie Chic. I'm blushing. Ha, Al Gore, yes, thanks to Al Gore too.

    Little Augury- I'm SO EXCITED for the release of In House, I can't wait to see it.
