

Kreativ Blogger, Or, 7 Things You Never Wanted to Know About Me

EONS ago, the fabulous Little Augury tagged me with the "Kreativ Blogger" tell-everyone-7-things-about-yourself thing. (Thanks for thinking of me, I'm flattered!) Again, that was weeks ago, but better late than never, right? So, seven visual tidbits, some with explanations, some without...


2. I love looking at photographs of other people's desks.  I guess it's only fair that I show you my own:

3. Clearly, I have a tendency to overindulge in the accessory department.  There are heaps of jewelry everywhere. On my desk, my bureau, my bedside table, under the bed, in the closet, hanging from the dummy, attached to the chandelier...  It's gotten to be a problem. 

4. Incidentally, I also love looking at books hidden in corners and crevices of photoshoots, almost as much as I enjoy a good desk shot.  I always wonder which books the owner has read, which are purely props, and which are BIBLES (because everyone's got those, right?).  As far as this stack goes: I adore Anthony Burgess (oh my god, he's hilarious) and I have yet to work my way through Edith Sitwell, despite an embarrassing number of attempts.  Regarding some of the misfit books: once upon a time I was a cognitive science major at Vassar. I LOVED studying it, but a life of research isn't so much my cup of tea.

5.  Cloisonné vases, capodimonte floral porcelain, and turquoise foo dogs/figurines (to which I affectionately refer as "the foo family") are not just for old ladies.

6.  More than anything else, I value a sense of humor.  This has resulted in my love and appreciation of some horrendously tacky things.  Like hair metal, sequins, enormous furs, hot pants, and Todd Oldham's apartment c. '92.  A shoot for another day.

7.  I show a lot of color on this blog, but I wear none. Gotta love those blacks, grays, taupes, ivories, and weird murky shades in between. My favorite designers? Riccardo Tisci, Rick Owens, Junya Watanabe...


  1. well, well-finally.(remember your sense of humour-I have one too and it can be a bit wicked.) happy to learn more about you. maybe we should just start a new award-let's be creative.
    MOST _____ Award. how about sharing 7 fetishes- that should keep everyone reading at breakneck pace.

  2. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm featuring your gorgeous blog in my weekend links. Come by and take a look:

    Have a great weekend!

    Love, Betsy.

  3. Oh I loved the photo's. What gorgeous pieces you have, really really beautiful.

  4. little augury- Wicked senses of humor always welcome. As for your new kreativ blogger idea, HAHA! Now THAT will keep the readers, well, titillated.


  5. Yes, I think you and LA could do a Too Foo Blog to shake blog world up a bit! So how does cognitive science fit into you life today? Interesting major choice.

  6. home before dark- Good question. It was great brain-training! It's also affected the way I think about things. Other than that, its lead to a lot of thinking about the formation of preferences (and by extension, how aesthetics and "taste" might develop). That's always in the back of my mind, I'm pretty fixated on that question.

  7. Fascinating. You should write about this.

  8. It's good to meet other people who can appreciate the finer beauty of hair metal. Cultivating a taste for quality b-rate - Tristan and Marcel would definitely approve.

    I also like the Hawkins shout in that stack. One of my dear friends was a cognative science major at UCSD - she's totally into robots and anything pewter. I'll have to send her the link to this place, since I'm sure she'd enjoy it.

    Oh and that's a great finger claw, by the way. Thanks for the blue ducks and the peak at your desk.

  9. I love these photos. It's like a little sneak peek into your life!!

  10. Love your list and pictures-I'm a Chinoiserie fan and graduate of Bryn Mawr (double majored in English and Sociology).

  11. Jason- No prob! Glad someone appreciates the Hawkins in the stack. I was wondering how that'd go over.

    Maria- I love looking at desks for that reason!

    h- Yeah, the accumulation is a problem sometimes (hence the chandelier absorbing some of it, haha!). AD did a feature on an apartment that was filled with STACKS upon stacks of books, and I actually really loved the effect. They were like columns sprouting up from every corner. It was very architectural...and come to think of it, I think it was an architect's place! Since then, I've come to terms with the book stacks.

    Style Redux- I know, I love your chinoiserie blog! I visited Bryn Mawr, and even stayed overnight while I was applying to colleges. SUCH a beautiful campus! Always lovely to meet fellow seven sisters...

  12. Your baubles are my cup of tea. Beautiful vignette shots. Loved it and covet a lot of it!

  13. A picture is worth a thousand words ~ I love a gal who can express herself visually. Am quite jealous of your collection of enamel boxes...I don't know why but I started collecting them a few years ago and it has become an obsession.

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