Surely, you've heard it before, but wholeheartedly, you'd better believe that's it's
okay pretty fabulous to mix-match place settings, rather than employ one matching set. All of these old plates were ones I found in thrift shops, on eBay (search Czech plates, vintage plates, or Bavarian porcelain), or, well, in thrift shops... Seemingly random in nature, but all it takes is a united color scheme, or pattern, or degree of gilding, to pull them together.
Besides, you don't want to look like the sort of person who
buys his silver, do you?
& blue too-lovely and I couldn't agree more,most of the time-sometimes I admit I get damn lazy & just toss an old set on the table-but gawd,neva tha silva! la
Do not under any circumstances encourage me to buy dishwear, Lauren Tennenbaum! Dangerous business.
PS. I like the photos, at one point you must have been momentarily crazy.
Lauren -
LOVE your MIXING-! Especially with the BLUE - Could not agree more-!!
Love the mix agree that cobalt blue and gilding could the secret for unifying the universe. I also like to mix stemware. And pearl handled anything trumps most silver any day!
Couldn't agree more... I"m not a fan of the matchy-matchy settings and my collection is definitely mis-matched, though I confess initially it was because I kept replacing broken plates with others in a different style. Love the selection... the different shades of blue and gold are quite stunning together!
Love the colors and patterns of this dishware!
Love the cobalt blue and gold, but do we steal the silver or inherit it?
I think we're supposed to inherit it. Or, you know, buy it secondhand, in my case. Secret's safe here.
If we are to inherit I think we should, like Julia Child said of her long life, be able to pick our ancestor's or at least our ancestor's taste. I have three sets of silver that has been "passed down." I prefer the one I place setting at a time as a young bride! Although I do have a bit of fondness for my grandmother's. I call it the adultery silver. It was the penance she extracted from her husband for a mid-life fling! She died when I was a toddler so I never knew her, but this seemingly "good Christian woman" knew a thing or two!
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