

Posh Prisons and Pinstripes

Gangster Style!

Gangster Al Capone (1899-1947)'s prison cell at Eastern State Penitentiary, where he served 9 months for a gun charge:

Above image via Wikipedia Commons

"Bonnie Comes with a Stylish Bang: Faye Dunaway in 30s Revival," fashion editorial from LIFE magazine, January 12 1968, after Bonnie and Clyde:


  1. Wow, his cell is so elegant.

    Gorgeous old photo shoot.

  2. great great post.Quite comfy and a radio too.Wonder what he listened to? GT

  3. I saw the "shot up" car that Bonnie and Clyde had their last stand. That image has stayed with me forever!

  4. I love that shot triple Bonnie shot

    Here, because I dig your style, I'd like to let you in on something: For the most entertaining 5 minutes of Faye Dunaway you'll ever see, cue up Supergirl and Chris Isaak's 'Wicked Game.' After Selena uses the Omegahedron to make herself princess of Earth - in the scene just before Helen Slater gets sent to the Phantom Zone...

    At the exact moment when Supergirl flies threw the double door and enters Faye's evil lair, kill the volume and start the song. It will blow your mind into the next dimension, I promiss.

  5. Oh wait, this is even better. Since VHS is hard to find, and I can't spell queue tonight:

    Mute this clip at 44 sec in

    And then play this one behind it

    Since you've wisely selected comment approval, feel free to keep it insider info if you like. So far as I know, there's only like 3 other people in the world who know about that one. Great work on the blog! Thanks for keepin' it so gangster


  6. ooohhh i love that cell- monastic meets brideshead meets axle vervoordt.......robin
