

Cold Weather, Cold Women & Christmas Whiskey (YUM)

It's official: I'm SNOWED IN. The world, as seen from my bathroom window, was looking white this morning:

I'm basking in every second of it (have I mentioned that I really enjoy snow?), except for the fact that it's freezing cold and, according to LOOK mag from Dec 10, 1968, "Men hate cold women." WELL. That's a shame, because I am one damn chilly lady, at the moment (see image above).  Suffice it to say, I'm not at all convinced that a "tanity case" would "warm me up,"  and I'm even less convinced that it could stand in for a vacation to say... Fiji, all for $16.95. Men, if you want a "warm" woman, I have just one little suggestion for you: do NOT buy her a "tanity" kit this holiday season, okay? 

A more thoroughly "warming" option might be this Christmas whiskey from the same mag.  Now we're talking. But, then again, maybe it's just the jacquard speaking to me.  As if I actually need to say it, I'm beginning to become convinced that nearly everything (even chickens) looks better wrapped in jacquard and topped with a glassy bauble.

First image, by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE. Two advertisements from LOOK, Dec 10, 1968.


  1. These vintage ads are so funny, that decanter looks great though!

  2. Oh how I love vintage ads. Current GDs should really take note. And I want that Christmas Whiskey, not just because its whiskey (which you know I love) but the bottle! the packaging! So good!

  3. I can never resist vintage ads... they are so pretty to look at! Kind of snowed in here too - I guess today will be an indoor day.

  4. haha vintage ads are so hilarious, although i'm kinda upset that the christmas whiskey is probably no longer available...

    i wish i was snowed in and didn't have to go to work today!

  5. The whiskey will be a very good option to warm you up!! Here it also freezing cold weather and I just have been given a self made port from a friend! I try the port, you try the whiskey?!

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

  6. Dustjacket Attic- Old ads and all of their bizarre implicit messages are insane. This LOOK mag in particular was a gem.

    Cristin- Seriously, whiskey has never looked so tasty.

    Couture Cookie- It was an indoor day for me too. Frolicking around in 20 inches of snow didn't sound terribly appealing.

    Hannah Elizabeth- Ad execs take note: we want our jacquard jeweled decanter of Christmas whiskey back! I agree, the only chance I have of finding it is at a thrift shop, empty. Sad.

    Greet- Your friend makes port?! Lucky you, that sounds delicious. I only wish they still sold the whiskey in its fabled Christmas packaging... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

  7. very very funny ad. I wonder if it was well received? Probably a few of those stashed in attics everywhere, still in their original box and hardly plugged in once. At least the whiskey warmed up some souls at least temporarily. The cold will pass. Daniel
