

Dreaming of a White (and Pink) Christmas

It almost never snows around here on Christmas.  But a girl can dream. 

Most of the ornaments on this tree are vintage; I highly suggest scouring ebay if local thrift shops aren't turning up any gems. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll find the ones that are so worn, you can see right through them.  The pale peachy pinks and aquas are my favorite, but they're so delicate, they tend to get eaten up by the deep green traditional evergreen color.

Enter artificial tree. Thankfully, fakery picks up where nature leaves off!  Is this a holiday heresy? I'll let you in on a secret: THIS year, I resisted the urge to purchase a mini-tree in jelly bean lavender (they also had one in pepto pink).  Next year, you might not be so fortunate!


  1. Great tree...I'm so sick of traditional trees. I have an idea for one, but I'm not at all DIY. I wish I were.

    There was one at Gump's that was peacock colored...I almost bought it, but it wasn't very big. Love the big pink bow! Makes me smile!

  2. That pink check bow is just so pleasing-practically perfect in fact- I love the old ornaments-I am happy to say all the "balls" on my tree if they fall will break-those plastic ones are NOT good (at all)
    This is lovely-How is this lit? The lavender sounds pretty wonderful grab it! GT

  3. I've always had a real tree, but this year I was starting to think of a white one. Then, last night, I caught a bit of a 1954 Debbie Reynolds movie on Turner Classics and there was a big fat white tree with pink ornaments and it looked so fresh and fun that I knew I had to have one this year! Maybe it's in the air....Robin

  4. omg -so beautiful! I have a deep fondness for fake trees....mine is a boring green now -but maybe silver next year?

  5. Jill- A peacock tree?! That sounds fantastic. These small ones are nice for experimenting!

    Little Augury- The plastic ones are the worst, agreed.

    Love the Home You're With- I love seeing Christmas trees from old classics. Thanks for the heads up- I will definitely check that out. It sounds delicious.

    Architect Design- I think that silver could look lovely. One of those vintage, spindly metal trees, maybe?

  6. I love this. Wonderful. I have done 10 trees this year. So far I have posted on my millinery fruit tree and topiary goose feather tree. Please check them out. Lots more to come. eBay is great for vintage ornaments-I have purchased hundreds.

  7. I know I am traveling on a different train. I have given up Christmas for the Solstice. I have two topiaries outside my front door with so many lights (800 for each 3 footer) that I turn on each night at sunset to honor the darkness and the coming light. I do this until the first day of spring. My husband thinks planes, perhaps even satellites, overhead are guided by the light! I say make the holidays speak to you in a way that awakens something real: go pink, lavender, peacock, whatever, and never look back! Happy whatever you want it to be.

  8. I love it!! The pink is amazing. I'm so much more a fan of the 50's/60's plastic, kitschy version of holiday decor than the au natural, rustic version! I also have a white faux-tree...this year I did black and navy ornaments and trimmings.
    Hope you have a great weekend --

  9. Wow, so cool! I want a tree like that.

  10. i am not into this s***. hope you enjoy yours

  11. Antonio Scrooge- Thanks for the holiday wishes. If my tacky confection of a pink tree didn't turn you, then maybe a visit from the ghost of Christmas-past would?!!

  12. My dear Lauren, let's put it that way, a lovely lovely lady deserves her glamourous pink Christmas Tree. Better?

  13. I love the pink and white...I too have a soft spot for faded vintage ornaments...the paler they are the better. Just beautiful. And so is your tree. Was making chocolate-chip meringues yesterday...I always add just a touch of red food coloring so they are the palest pink...because pink always seems to add just a touch of magic. Enjoy...and happy happy!

  14. that bow looks like its from the same fabric my curtains were made of when i was little.... love it!

