


Color blocking conjures up images of stripped naked, fresh-from-the-shower-clean hunks of pigment. 

Here's our version of something that's usually an exercise in reduction and restraint. Incidentally, these are two qualities that I seem not to possess.  While blocks of chartreuse, hot pink, blue and gold provide the spine, I think that excessive pattern provides interest, no?

Design, painting (accent table, walls- metallic bird and key detail), and photography by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. Looks beautiful! But what really caught my eye here is the gorgeous leopard/purple chair.... :)

  2. Nothing like flowers to make you smile...I really like the chest of drawers they're sitting on though. Is it an antique?

  3. Treacle: Glad you like the chest of drawers. These were by my mother. We do lots of decorative painting (including the walls in this picture), and it's always one of our priorities for things to look old and integrate well with antiques, so thank you!

  4. I wouldn't call the patterns excessive. At critical mass they become almost neutral. At least in my view. There was a wonderful comment left on Peak of Chic (I think) from someone from India who said basically without pattern and color how do we know we are alive? Second that opinion.

    By the way, Architect Design is mulling over a new digital camera on one of his latest posts and looking for recommendations. Thought you might have an opinion to share!
