

Enemy Crushers

Have you ever noticed that Louis XIV is nearly always captured in portraits donning talons rouges (red heels)?  Red was a privilege extended only to high ranking members of the court.   In Love and Louis XIV, Antonia Fraser suggests that this was because"...they were always ready to crush the enemies of the state at their feet." Crush them like they crushed the rare cochineal beetle to extract the precious dye, I suppose?

Other high ranking men in Louis' court wore shoes with miniature scenes painted on them— either rustic and romantic scenes, or battle scenes, depending on the source.  Louboutin already has red covered, too common.  If Louis were alive today, I'm sure he'd trade out those talons rouges for something more dramatic, with more pomp and circumstance.

These were made with canvas, cut and glued to the wedges of these (formerly ruff-bedecked) heels and then painted with a scene inspired by old verdure tapestries.  As you know, I worship my triumvirate of G's (grit/grime/gilding).  I didn't quite capture it, but there is a fair amount of gilding in the painted part of the shoe.  Has it gone too far?! In any case, I'm fairly certain I'll be able to play camouflage in this room, quite successfully.

The explosive bow harness is cellophane, what else? I bet Louis would have loved cellophane, had it been around...

Shoes styled, painted, and photographed by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. Those are super freakishly cool. The scene remind me of russian paintings depicting the hunt. Not quite Louis XIV but the same feeling.

  2. I think if Louis were alive today he'd put Louboutin in his place for stealing his style.

    Oh how I love the G's. So good!

  3. Anastassia- Thanks! I love Russian hunting scenes, maybe I'm channeling that somehow, haha.

    Cristin- Uh, yeah he would. Or put him to work. I bet Louis would love him.

  4. Dream weaver, what have you done this time?!?! Maybe my favorite incarnation of these, but don't make a vagabond commit to just one, please.

  5. Jezebel- Who says you have to commit to just one? Seriously, I could wear one of each...

  6. Those are amazing! I love your ingenuity. I need to get a pair of stripper shoes so I can start playing around...

  7. WOW...What a beautiful shoes!
    I like very much your style photos...


  8. holy crap lauren, seriously continually uber-impressed. love the idea of the scenes on the wedges.

  9. You are too much-talk about clicking your heels. the painting is inspired. well done, again.

  10. I love that you keep redesigning/playing with these shoes. The tapestry inspired paintwork is so spot on.

  11. dear Lauren, these shoes are incredibly awesome!! you are a really-really creative lady.

    your blog is one of the most original sites on this planet:)

  12. Chinchilla- Thank you, and welcome! You've got a fab collection of images on your blogs, by the way. Lauren

  13. I cannot tell you how amazing these them so much.
