


For her recently announced marriage, three things.

A toast...  Of Cristal crystal, only the finest!
Above, photographed and styled by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.

A vintage Elsa Schiaparelli bracelet, to go with the KILLER pink, petaled Schiaparelli hat that EEE found on Ebay (I am still ragingly jealous over that find):

Above, Elsa Schiaparelli fantasy paste bracelet, c 1950s.  Steven Miners, Cristobal, London.  Scan from A Collector's Guide to Costume Jewelry, by Tolkien and Wilkinson.

And finally, a literal pedestal upon which Mr. EEE can plant Mrs. EEE.  Two lovely shoes from Italy, c. 1600... stunningly gorgeous, astoundingly high, all the rage at the time, and reputedly impossible to walk in.  Evidently, these "chopines," as they're known, were favorites of husbands (because they so restricted movement that their wives were unable to go astray) and clergy (because they discouraged the sinful activity of dancing).  Psh, what nonsense.  EEE's a tough cookie— she'll conquer these shoes, and married life— with gusto.  CONGRATULATIONS!

Above, left: Venetian chopine, in cork and velvet with silver-gilt filigree, 1600. Right: A variety of chopine known as a "zoccolo," with 7-inch supporting columns. Italian, 1600.


  1. Oh wow, looking at those shoes nearly made my eyes pop out of my head! I'd love to have them as house decoration, though!

    - Anna Jane xxx

  2. baubles, bangles, bubbles AND shoes - AND true love? I'm pinching myself. xo EEE

  3. Everyone should have that pedestal. such a creative present. pgt

  4. Good blog!
    I like it

