

Dainty Teacups, Trashy Metal

I'm a huge proponent of daily indulgences.

Drinking coffee from your best china, wearing diamonds and ratty jeans to the grocery store, eating steak for breakfast, delighting in trashy 80s Metaledge magazines...

Above, Slayer, 1985.  Below, a Royal Grafton tea cup that I've been reaching for by default, all week. We all need balance in our lives, right?!

Back to the teacup. Who cares that it doesn't have a saucer? I've been rotating it with saucers from another set I have. I like it better this way for a few reasons: 1. This makes for a more interesting morning. Picking out clothes gets boring after a while.  2. This makes for a more interesting tea SET as a whole. 3. This lone teacup buying thing has become an addiction. All cups are fair game! Saucerless loners...ones that belong to prohibitively expensive sets (because, after all, you're only buying the cup and saucer).  Some celebrities never wear the same outfit twice.  What if I never use the same teacup/saucer combo twice?!

I like this combo in particular:

Tell me, what are your daily indulgences? Big hair? Dainty teacups?

Scans from Metaledge, 1985.
Teacup images styled/photographed by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE


  1. have such an exquisite taste!
    visiting your blog is good to my health:)i'm not kidding!

    btw, thank you for your kind welcome:)

  2. Dynamite post. Your cup and saucer pairings are out of this world. Loved the Yin and Yang of the photos you used here. Terrific touch.

  3. I wear Hermes every day....and I work on scaffolding painting murals and gilding moulding...and I get gritty...but I smell fantastic! ;)

  4. Love that Tea cup , all mine are pink Hmmmm lusting after gold and turquoise now!!!

  5. Daily indulgences:
    1) Using my sister's sparkly turquoise toothpaste, it makes me feel like a My Little Pony

    2) Picking out the tasty-flavoured Jelly Beans out of my manager's secret stash when she's not around.

    3) Wearing $1000 boots on public transit.

  6. That Whitesnake pic is so money. Flared out to the very last button, with such stone-cold expressions and hair big enough to blot out the sun... how could you not take those dudes seriously?

    (In)decorous Tea Time, straight savage! :)

  7. Theresa- I love it. Might as well smell delicious while creating beautiful things.

    A Perfect Gray- Glad you like it. For a very brief second, I was worried that the combo might be completely off-putting and NOT understandable but then I deep ditched that preposterous thought.

    Helen- I've been lusting after pink ones lately! And what's worse, the more cloyingly sugar-coated and floral, the merrier! My mom thinks this is very grandmotherly of me. Clearly, she's wrong.

    Paige- Oh my god, I remember that sparkly toothpaste! Actually, I remember it tasting distinctly...edible, which is probably a problem for the age bracket who normally uses it, haha. And the coconut jelly beans are the BEST.

    Jason- I know! They're SERIOUS, right? They mean business. And they could easily take you down with that hair, alone.

  8. Thing I love most about this post is that I can totally picture said 80s rock icons having teacups like the one you have here in their homes.

  9. of course you mix it up- perhaps even breaking the mate? my daily indulgence really necessary lighting a couple of scented candles-favourites always diptyque and thorn apple DL and Co. and I do wear perfume every day- love Hermes Eau des Merveilles or any of 50 others.

  10. I love love love your teacup so so much!

  11. Little augury- I'm always on the hunt for lovely fragrances, in any form, really. Candles, perfumes, you name it. I love DL & Co. candles too, although I haven't had the thorn apple. Actually, I was recently reading about the "noses" that formulate interesting, the lifestyle they lead and the degree of olfactory refinement they develop! I'm absolutely in awe, and painfully aware that my olfactory sense is absolutely underdeveloped.

  12. Speaking of pink.. what is the name of the pattern on the pink saucer? That's my favourite combo!
    Things taste finer when consumed from fine china!

  13. sopchan- It's stamped on the bottom "Tuscan Fine English Bone China, Made in England" and it's part of a multicolored set. Unfortunately, I just checked, and the workshop was bought out by Wedgwood in the 80s, and I couldn't find the pattern anywhere online. Lauren

  14. The cup and saucer pairing is perfect.

    There was just so much hair back then! The hairspray companies were rolling in it.

    I guess my daily indulgence is having similar hair....

    lovin' your bloggin'.

  15. I love that you have EXQUISTE TASTE in everything but Music
