


Ever been to a party where the host has entirely overlooked providing tables where you can rest your drink? You know it's bad when you're desperately trying to shove a fancy little hors d'oeuvre into your mouth one-handedly in a manner quick enough so that the skewered shrimp and cherry tomato don't fall out of their embrace and instead embrace your lap— where, incidentally, you happen to have your cocktail precariously clamped between your thighs.

My solution.

This was an old bench that belonged to a vanity that I now use as a desk.  I have almost no use for the lopsided creature as seating, but with the addition of a tray, it makes a convenient table, especially by the side of a sofa, or next to a chair, as a place for a drink or two, or three... These old trays are pretty much everywhere...on eBay, in thriftshops...roadside, in garbage cans...  You just need to prime over whatever was previously on it (because it was likely really atrocious), and attack it anew!

The "BEFORE": Bench (after painting, before upholstering), and tray (after priming):

And "AFTER":

 Styled, painted, and photographed by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. beautiful, how did you paint that tray it looks like it has been inlaid?

  2. It's high time to tell you how much I've been enjoying your blog...always entertaining and today's post is useful and motivational. I don't know of anyone who couldn't put a small bench to work as a resting place for a cocktail. The subtle touch of blue on your faux finish is wonderful!

  3. Beautiful as I've always come to expect from you. I love the retouching to the base of the stool -the blue detailing really looks lovely!

  4. Brilliant!

    And the black glove? Agatha Christie, perhaps.

  5. Helen- Lots of layers, plenty of staining! It's actually intended to look like inlaid ivory. Perhaps I'll make a post on it one of these days...

    Errant Aesthete- Regarding the black glove, oh, I agree! It occurred to me too. Death on the Nile, maybe?

  6. I HAVE been to those parties! This is a great solution. The subtle blue touches on the bench are just perfect. You keep outdoing yourself!!

  7. Oh, and why has no one mentioned that fabulous feather accent??? It is all in the details.. just love it.

  8. Dude, I love a bit of homewear and this stool thingymajig is just beautiful. The stripes, the detail, the little feathery pom pom thing... ooh! You are very gifted. You should start a little custom-designed homewear business or something!

    - Anna Jane xxx

  9. Brilliant! I'm a firm believer that a pretty tray solves just about any decorating dilemma. This is almost too lovely to put drinks on!

  10. Beautiful!

    I have a ridiculous number of little tables. Drinks are VERY important to me!

  11. like what you did with it. The tassle makes my day

  12. having a place to put your drink is extremely important! ha! i think you should publish a book. your work is amazingly beautiful.
