

(IN)DECOROUS TASTE is on Architectural Digest's Site

That's kinda fun, right? BUT... whatttttt have they done to my photograph?!

By all means, go to the site and vote for your beloved blogger!  I'll love you forever, I'll send you chocolates, buy you flowers...

But, while you're at it, note how they've cropped the living freaking daylights out of the original photo, and lightened all vestiges of moodiness right out of it.  And, as if that weren't bad enough, they proceeded to use this photo as the cover image for voting group 2... Just imagine my surprise when I learned that our entry is in fact contained within group ONE!

This is the actual image I submitted:

Architectural Digest wanted images that demonstrated the use of fabric in an interesting or creative way.  In this room, the back wall is silk (applied with cornstarch—oh my god, was that a day), and the side wall (unfortunately, cropped out of AD's image) is hand blocked. The pillow was sewn from a silk scarf, the bed has hand sewn silk trim, and the "molding" is actually grosgrain ribbon.  It's one of my favorite "tricks" in a pinch for rooms without actual moldings, as that is something that always bothers me.  Sort of like an impulse to wrap up a gift and finish it with a bow. All of the paintings on the wall were done by either my mom or grandfather (save the red poppies) .

Here's another photograph, of the opposite wall.  This one isn't on the AD site. (Now would be a good time to tell you, I love a good red room.) :

Here, you get a better picture of the red wall—blocked from a stencil we cut— and the commode, hand painted with leopard trim (yes, you're well acquainted with our love of animal everything!), and metallics (that too, ha).  The wall also has metallics in it, although it's subtle, and hard to catch on camera. We painted the jewelry box and mirror to work with the ensemble. Oh!  And the door is faux bois (you must say that with an exaggerated French accent, dahhlings).  It's wood, but it's playing dress up.

So yes, off you go, to vote!

Photography, styling, painting, and pretty much everything else except for the carpet, by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. I voted for you Lauren. I hope you win! Yours is obviously the best.



  2. cast my vote, because you utterly deserve to win. Yours is the most incredible room by far (even if they did doctor your image) and that handblocked wall is so beautiful. Goodness you are talented x

  3. O, I am breathless over your work and YOUR photo. Yeah, it's totally better moody and un-cropped. I voted! EASY choice. Your flair, style, talent are amazing. Good luck!

  4. Lauren, yours is BY FAR the best. why do they insist on that embalmed lighting????

  5. Incredible project! This is textile heaven! Vote is cast.

  6. You've been holding out on me with that red room thing. I, too, fear I have succumbed to that red and gold disease. I think this room is pure magic.

  7. You got my vote-! Yours was definitely the Most Compelling-!
    That Pillow & All Divine-!!

  8. Beautiful! I love the silk wall. That room looks so cosy and luxurious with its use of color and texture. I love the art, too— I guess talent runs in your family!

    - Catherine at Littlehouse of Style

  9. Lauren will be heading off to check it out and vote.
    (add a link to the page on this post!)

  10. well done, and Yes a bit confusing-But they are all mixed,it may be good- so group 2's will be looking for your picture and then find you about the others.

  11. you are clearly the winner. and unsure why they cropped and lightened your photo. not only are you marrying the colors and textures in such a unique way, but your use of that outside light source is brilliant! very caravaggio.

    PS of course i voted for you. you're a runaway.

  12. In the spirit of supporting our talented Laura I have added a gadget in the sidebar of my blog with the photograph and a bit of info, link to AD page- Should You be inclined to do so- The gadget is PICTURE. I think it is great that Lauren is participating in this-and even better that we collectively-can support something and someone with unique talents and an honest to goodness beautiful space.pgt

  13. Despite the "modifications" (ahem), yours still sings through! Beautiful. I just logged my vote. xx

  14. My vote is cast...a total no-brainer as your room is, by far, the most creative! Love the Baluchi carpet!

  15. Have to agree on the mood kill and great great great RED bit. Though yours got my vote even without the mood. Congrats and really nicely done. Very beautiful. Daniel

  16. Oh I checked (and voted for you, I loved what you did) that was so annoying that they cropped the room....seriously!

    re comment; exactly right, you got it in one, would love to know where it was shot.

  17. dropped a vote. Really does look moody. Like a summer cottage on a fall rainy day.

  18. I realy do hope you win! The pictures are fantastic!!!!

  19. a bit of a double edged sword... huge congrats, but i really like the lighting and detail in your original picture!

  20. Bon chance or merde as the French really say...
    Gorgeous rooms, the both of them!

  21. Done x
    Even without the chocolates and flowers, you would be my winner.

    Queen Marie

  22. consider it done! Yours really was the best entry, even with dubious cropping and lightening x

  23. couldnt find the link! pity
