


I'm in New York for a couple of days! And so, I'm just going to be a hot, sloppy mess (forgive me) in presenting this image since I don't have access to my magazines and can't remember whose room this was, or in which particular issue I found it (I think it was World of Interior's "Gold Issue"- December?).

Why did I save it?  Because A) I love collecting, collections, and collectors and B) half the fun of collecting is in the display and it's fantastic how the owner of this room chose to display her collection of antique lace behind a glass wall with bizarre orbs hovering in front of it. How's THAT for juxtaposition?

How do you display your collections?


  1. Have fun in NY.. That room is sick!

  2. Omg! The walls! The Ceiling! This is such a fckn amazing room! x

  3. NYC? You're coming at a great time. The weather has been so beautiful and while you're here make sure to check out the Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA. Make sure you order tickets online, because they are always "sold out."

  4. Thanks guys!

    Battlingthedinosaurs- OMG I know! It's been crazy, ridiculously warm out. Also, I saw the Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA earlier this year. Awesome exhibit, but it was absolutely MAD when I visited. So many people! It's crazy that it's still crowded, so many months later. Maybe because of Alice and Wonderland? Btw, have you seen it?

  5. this was a common magazine layout in the 40s - the overhead photo spread on black of accessories collections. at center often was a model in a classic lbd surrounded by all of these various add-ons, just like a paperdoll. i have one image that i've been obsessed with since childhood with purses and gloves and kravattes and lace collars like these. i wonder if this is a collection or a reprint of one of those vintage mag pics?
    it's a great idea either way

  6. That is indeed crazy cool!

    I only collect magazines and earrings - I keep the magazines in a huge stack visible right as one enters my room and the earrings on a cork board, as if they were remember-me-notes. :)
