


I don't usually give the Academy Awards or celebrity dressing much thought, but I loved this dress (and accompanying bun, because who doesn't love a bun bigger than the head to which its attached?) when I saw it, only to find out that it made basically every "worst dressed list" imaginable. But... why? What gives?

Off the runway, on Sarah Jessica Parker:

Above image, Getty images

And on the Chanel Spring 2010 couture runway:

Above images,


  1. I know, and don't know. I find it very hard to pan a Chanel, this one is pretty amazing. I think the problem was the bun(s) were a little wonky. What disturbed me about this was -she was very "tanned" The makeup looked- fake baked. If someone else had worn this one- I think it would have gotten raves. I am on the other side of what the critics liked as well-I think I am in good company! pgt

  2. I agree! Thought the dress and SJP looked fabulous!!
    Not all the fashion critics know what they are talking about.
    That gown is stunning!!

  3. Thank god I'm not the only one. I thought SJP looked MARVELOUS but everyone else seemed to hate it. Maybe because it was a bit 'different' and not the typical boring 'pretty' oscars gown? I loved the hair -only heightened the drama of the dress. Thank you for writing this!

  4. I liked it too and I had a giant braided bun at my wedding to my husband...yay to giant buns!

  5. I think I agree with Little Augury - it's not so much the dress I dislike as the person they put inside it. SJP is as orange as an oompa loompa, and her skin color clashes terribly with the dress. Somehow it makes the dress look more like a pie filling than a fabric.

  6. Well, (I)T, you can't have both ways. You're the Border Collie, not the sheep. I much prefer the Border Collie.

  7. I loved it too....I thought the hair was perfect and the back of the dress was divine. It reminded me of Jackie O. Everyone else looked like "early Barbie" going to the prom.

  8. I like the dress a lot, but the little I saw of the Awards included some Sarah Jessica Parker and I didn't have much of a response to her in the dress. I think she could have gone with something that suited her better; it just didn't have any drama on her. That fact that the neck band didn't touch the embellishments on SJP's dress also bothered me.

    I'm on the If-someone-else-had-worn-it-it-would-have-been-a-Best-Of side.

  9. I loved it too. I was watching E the other day and they all slagged on her saying she wasn't tall enough or that it was better for runway. I love how they continue to perpetuate those cliched standards of beauty, its ridiculous.

  10. didn't suit her - too tanned as has been said

  11. It didn't fit. Borrowed clothes rarely flatter, especially "straight from the runway" samples. Ms. Parker also chewed gum throughout the broadcast - which combined with the orange skin, overdone mascara, and errant hairs popping out of the hairpiece, made her look like one of the Russian hookers you see in the lobby of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.

    Why these people don't take the time to have clothes made for them is puzzling. She couldn't walk in the dress either - though no one else could either, except for Ophra, who actually PAYS for her clothes. As your photo illustrates, a woman's supposed to walk in a long dress without picking up the hem. Watch any old movie: studio actresses were trained to actually wear clothes...not shill for designers.

  12. I have a couple of problems with the dress. It is not sitting symmetrically on her, which totally throws it for me. Then, there is a faint seam down the front that you can't see on the runway. Also, the runway version billows a lot more, I suspect it is made with more fabric than SJP's dress. Also, the shape of it is unflattering for her tiny figure.
    I just think, if you were going to wear a Chanel couture dress worth tens of thousands of dollars, you'd get a better one...
