


I'm fond of the Geoffrey Bennison quote that I've got copied in the column to the right.  He was a proponent of the idea that one should always put "something mad on top of something very good, or something very good on top of something mad."

THIS IS DEFINITELY THE "MAD". It's out of control. What is it? It's a plaster cast serpent piggy bank (didn't even realize until I shot it), courtesy of a recent thrifting expedition. 

Don't laugh!!  Actually, feel free to...that was my first reaction.  But now, I think I quite like it. Something about it.

Styling and photography by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. Wow that cobra is rockin... I love it!

  2. H- Hahahaha, I see it. This may be a bad sign. But I think it might be because Saddam Hussein had that giant serpent mural, in raging neon shades. You should have seen the piggy bank BEFORE i clawed out the iridescent green eyes and painted over it.

  3. Well, the green eyes WOULD have been a little too much! I think it fits the space well.

  4. I think the little madness as you call it, is really our truer selves being let out to play. It's a bit like adding balsamic vinegar to strawberries. Strange but wonderful.

  5. That is fierce enough to make me save my pennies! Very gothic.

  6. I am going to put that quote up on my desk in the studio, that is FANTASTIC! The piggy bank, too, is just glorious in it's awfulness!
