


Lucite confetti candles.  They look like candles.  They even have wicks! But you can't light them.  God knows what would happen if you tried— they have a rather frightening all-caps warning to that effect wrapped around their bases.  Egregiously decorative. Yes, I'm in love!!!

Even if they are one of the sillier inventions of the 20th century (evidently, popular in the 50s).  And even if I can't light them. 


  1. long ago when i did framing i had customers that had us make a shadowbox with these same candles, gold velvet roses, a 3/4 size violin and sheet music from their first date. it was the most tacky/awesome thing. my coworkers kept ragging on the candles but i wanted to take them home so bad!
    i have the chintzy/granny version - clear glass with columns of beaded flowers inside.

  2. Hahaha... ragging on the "candles"?!! (Can we even call them that?) Say it isn't so! Seriously, they took it to the next level. But I give them props for the gold velvet roses. Those sound intriguing.

  3. Uhhhh.....These are still in a place of prominence in my parent's home! LOL! I was always fascinated with them when younger but was perplexed that you could not light them.

  4. Someone really needs to develop these as real candles! I would buy nothing else!

  5. but they still sparkle, and we all love that!!

  6. these are crazy mock candles!

  7. Ok, they're ineffectual as candles but I love this. The excess, the whimsy. Are you tempted to somehow turn them into lights?

  8. I wonder if the sold version of already lit ones with charred looking wicks and lucite dripping down the side.

  9. YES to fashionable candles. Who needs to light them? They're gorgeous. I like this invention. x

  10. Those are pretty amazing, and I love how you've photographed them. I've never seen or heard of lucite candlesticks before. Where did you find these? Are they thrift store staples, or can they be purchased from other retailers?

  11. You were the muse for my blog post this week...thought you might want to know! ;)

  12. Lauren, I'm sure you can make heels out of these. They are calling your name.

  13. Beautiful futility! Maybe they could be rigged with LEDs these days.

  14. Theresa- Thanks for the heads up.

    ArchitectDesign- Someone must be making these to use, right? I think the only challenge would be having them so perfectly glass-like in appearance. Not so much a problem when they're actually glass, ha.

    Anastassia- That is suchhhhh a good idea. I'd buy them in a heartbeat!

    Pamk- I ran across this set at a junk shop. If you do a google search for "lucite candles," though, there are a few sets that pop up on various sites. I don't know that any retailers are currently making them, but clearly, they should!!

    homebeforedark- Now we're talking...

    le style et la matiere- Maybe homebeforedark's comment primed the "shoe" in my brain, but for some reason, your comment made me think of lucite heels with flashing neon lights in them. Yes, they make those!! They're adult version of the light up, flashing sneakers my generation had as kids.
