


Sometimes, I'm extraordinarily all over the place with things I'm thinking about or working on. Zero attention span?

Three things in progress:

1. Yes, YES!!— I bought the most glorious pair of neon glitter stripper platforms. They're pretty sturdy (steel shanks in the heel, who knew??), and they make me giddy. I even have a suspicion that they glow in black light.  Will test, and report back, but I'm not getting my hopes up yet.  Working on shoe harnesses that make the most of this.

2. Various, random canvas panels that haven't yet found a home.  Well, except for the zebra floor canvas.  We all know how that's made the rounds. (See the hunting room, drink stand, or vomitous orange beasts... god, that zebra's such a hussy.  Perhaps the time has come to start saving for an antique skin.)

3. Lately, I've had this weird attraction to floral chintzes.  I used to hate them. Now, I can't seem to find one big enough or loud enough (watch out, before you know it, there are going to be flowers the size of MACK TRUCKS painted on my wall.)  Prints are tricky though, and I tend to favor chintzes that don't necessarily look like they've been churned out by a factory.  That leaves me with beautiful, albeit exorbitantly expensive hand blocked options.  So, I created my own (using the same fabric dyes from my toile project, a couple of posts ago).  Disclaimer: the top portion in the photo is completed, and the bottom is in progress, as you can see.  It's a first-go, so I tried it out on cotton, but silk may be in the near future...


Styling, photography, floral fabric and various canvas panels by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. I got to see those hot shoes on!!!

  2. So excited to see how everything turns out.

    Personally, and maybe it's just the printmaker in me but I think it's a good thing to have more than one piece going at the same time. I know I've found that I've found answers to problems with one piece by working on another. Plus, you don't "burn out" as quickly. It kind of keeps things fresh in a way.

    Must test out the blacklight theory ASAP!

  3. those painted canvas panels are fab!

  4. Those canvas panels are very effective but an antique skin would be very nice too. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the shoes!

  5. I can't believe how in love I am with this blog...interior design,art,shoes? I'm in heaven you are so talented!

  6. Love, love your canvas panels....ornamentation is my weakness! The shoes are killer!
