


Isn't there a rhyme involving flowers and April showers? Am I missing something? Because the past few days have felt like summer, and I have never been happier to welcome 90 degree (read: this is not normal around here) weather.  In retrospect, I might have been a little overzealous, as the weather has cooled but my finger nails, in five different shades of neon, have not.  Oh well.

This shoe is, as you can clearly see, a product of my brief summer mania, and a fixation on fluorescent color that the warm weather brought. It seems I'm always on the prowl for things that suck in light and spit it out in an abnormal or otherwise blinding fashion. Is fluorescence my new crystal? Who knows. I'm very enthusiastic; almost as enthusiastic as I'd be if you told me I could take a trip to Technicolor munchkin land.  But I have one request: if I must fall asleep in Dorothy's field of poppy's, let them be... leather. 

Someone, shake me awake, before it's too late!

Made and photographed by (IN)DECOROUS TASTE.


  1. Love them. Definitely the poppy field I would like to wake up in.

  2. Omg these are beautiful. What an amazing job you did!!!! So great x

  3. Those are surprisingly marvelous. And they look great with the sky blue tights.

  4. doll, those are nothing short of fantastic. the photography is tights so rock it, too...

  5. Your blog is better than any magazine. It is eclectic and beautifully designed.
    Check out my blog to win one of my fashion illustrations that first appeared in Mirabella Magazine. Good luck.
    X David

  6. GOR-GEOUS! Gorgeous! Love these.
    I'm so excited to break out the peep toes - the weather is awesome!
    -Sanity Fair

  7. "April showers bring May flowers."
    Gosh, I would love to go to the technicolor Munchkin land.
    I love the new creation. The heels rock!

  8. Who would want to slumber on in a field full of these eye popping beauties!

  9. WOAHHHHH wear them tights out asap! i swear i wont make fun...
