

Barbie says to Ken: You know what chlorine does to my hair.  But if you insist we go swimming at least have the courtesy to help me take my head off first. -Denise Duhamel, Codependent Relationship

It's been a while, no?! In the 432094234 years since I last posted, I've been up to a few things.  One of my latest projects has been designing a last so that in the near future, I won't need to blowdry leather on my foot.  Remember that?

In the meantime, I've been playing around, again, with the process of de and reconstructing stripper heels (Barbie edition?).

I'll admit it: the floating glitter in the heel won me over!

The more you move, the more you sparkle; it's a terribly elegant concept.  They're insane, so I kept the uppers pretty simple: glossy black leather straps with long ankle straps.  You can wrap them around the ankle, around the instep, around the heel, up the leg, around your boyfriend, around the neighbors...

The crystal bouquet adornment is a harness I created a while ago, but never shot, for some reason.

Obviously, I ripped off the plastic uppers to accomplish this, etc etc, but this time around, I figured I'd keep it simple and spare you the long description of the rebuilding process— I covered that thoroughly last time around.  I'm going to let the pictures speak (scream?) for themselves.

Also, I started a Formspring (an anonymous question forum), so you can ask me questions!  Just go here.


Danika said...

Amaaazing! The floating glitter is dreamy and I like how it contrasts with the leather.
Please open an online shop!!!!

Amy said...

These are so outrageous and perfect, like you isolated unicorn puke in an ice block, but the leather gives them that perfect edge. If I were to own these, I think clothing would become obsolete. Bravo!

x Amy

Style Odyssey said...

my goodness, this is phenomenal!

joy said...

Dangerous! And I do mean dangerous in a good way. I am so enthralled by your shoe collection.

jasonwclark said...

The best arrangement photons my eyes have seen in a very long time! Total Power straps and a ladder straight up to impossibly awesome! So brilliant

Nedda Ebo said...

Oh thank God you posted, I think I really missed your delicious posts. As usual, every one of your projects is astounding and you've done a fabulous job on the shoes (once again).

Mustart x

Xenia said...

I love the details of how you make things, it's like my favorite part. These are wonderful, the leather harnesses are perfect. I wonder though what liquid is inside, or is it not a liquid?

wekilledCOUTURE. said...

Lauren you genius.
Honestly everytime! perfection

Marina said...




Lucinda said...

As usual... AMAZING!

Jill said...

Is it just me, or does the red backdrop look like a giant vagina?!

anastassia said...

The motion pictures were making me trip. Love the result and the idea. Only thing that threw me off was that there was no glitter in the front of the platform.


Jill- HA, yes. But leave it to you to notice it! Where would (IN)DECOROUS TASTE be without your observations??! (It happened accidentally while editing the photos. Hilariously glaring, like a pink vaginal vortex. Needed to be posted.)

Cara Gray said...

I want these heels! they are so cool. x x

Mel said...

wow, I admire your work

Juliana said...

I like it best around your neck!! I'm waiting for some of these clear heels on eBay to go on sale so I can try some sole-stripping myself.

Seraph + Splendor said...

...we must say that collar at the end is to die for - exquisite!

Anonymous said...

They look amazing! I'm in love with the glitter in the heel, and the straps fit so well. The shoe screams at you, but is absolutely not too much or overdone.

Can you give us some cute shoe/material/interior links/storenames?

Rianna said...

What friggin incrdible footwear! and the spikes and the reflective photography, just immense!
Rianna xxx

Cynthia said...

wow those are fierce!


Naima Amarilli said...

You are beautiful, talented... this shoes and this shoots SHOCKS me, really! You make somenthing special, different, unique! Can i add you to the blogroll of my www.giocodidonne.blogspot.com ?

Anonymous said...

J'adore votre univers, Stéphane ( luxe-et-vanites;blogspot.com)

Amarachi said...

These are amazing!!! ..where on earth did you get those gorgeous crystals???

Kabutar said...

you are a true icon

Eva said...

AMAZING shoes! And some gorgeous pictures!


Claudia Juestel said...

Stunning photos! Love the necklace.



Theresa said...

Those are insanely gorgeous!! You are truly amazing.

IMaiorano said...


Rosa and Carlotta: Illustrated-Moodboard said...

These pictures are so cool!!

Illustrated Moodboard


To the point said...

Wow, the shoe is stunning, pictures are amazing!!

Alicia xo

Dee O. said...

These photos are AMAZING! Simply inspiring, I am in love!! :)

feel free to check out my blog:

K A T H L E E N said...

wow what a brilliant post. love the shoes and all the great pix. come vote and follow me xxo

Flávia Castro said...

Amazing pics!!


Brad Fallon said...

Your photos are amazing!

miss annie said...

wow, this is really amazing! I really enjoy reading your posts ;)
check out my blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Francesca C said...

amazing photos!

Stephanie Richardson said...

great blog!
hope you can check mine out

daydreaming + stargazing said...

do you sell your experiments online somewhere?? with the strip aerobics class revolution, you'd have quite a following. not that you don't already.

daydreaming + stargazing said...

i just went trough every single amazing post of yours and i couldn't help the need to share it with the world! i hope you don't mind, i posted a little something on my blog, with credits to you, of course. please keep the inspiration coming!

devilishlypleasurable said...

there is an entire universe captured in your shoes!

Anonymous said...

Where have you been!? I'm dying for my daily (now monthly!?!?!) dose of indecorous taste!!!!!

Anonymous said...

love it, as always. but is it bad that i want there to be MORE glitter?


Inspiring photos!!


Svatava said...

Wow, great blog! Cool!

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