
Simple Math

I'm aware that this isn't an earth shattering idea, but it's a swanky little trick to avoid wardrobe boredom and the cold.

It's like a facelift! Just keep it on the simple side because a nip here, a tuck there, a bit of plumage there, and suddenly you look like Jocelyn Wildenstein, understand?  Have I mentioned I have this little fur collar collecting problem?

Collars like these are everywhere on ebay, not to mention thrift shops and hanging out on old coats. Don't be afraid to scavenge: Denning and Fourcade (the design kings of opulent, style Rothschild interiors of yetseryear) used fur scraps from old coats to piece together an entire rug.  You can find really lush ones this way; just avoid dry patches like the plague.

Wardrobe basics.

Basics that have personality (multiple personalities, really):

Simple equation, see?


Anonymous said...

So fabulous! I love this post...great presentation...now I want to go shopping.

:), luckynumber3.com


Weronika Fudała said...

Very creative. I like your blog. You really have big potencial to be famous designer one day. Good luck!


carla fox said...

Love them....especially the feather boa and leopard!

Paolina of Calur Villade said...

I love math now!

Style Odyssey said...

spectacular! proof that fur collars are incredibly versatile!
i have a feather boa...wonder what i could do with it... :)

The Search for J Street said...

This post is so great! And it's definitely motivated me to thrift some fur collars.

Letitia said...

Seems like a complicated equation. I'll have to sit down and take a good crack at this one.

manuel vazquez said...


Unknown said...

If maths were taught this way =D
Greetings to your fabulous creative mind!

Theresa Cheek said...

You've got me hunting for fur now! I love the leopard.

joy said...

Brilliant equation that I never thought of. Thank you for continuing to inspire.

Samantha Nandez said...

I love your math!! If only it were that interesting and inspiring in school ;)

Crystal said...

I bought one recently and I've been throwing it over all of my coats and cardigans! It really is a useful buy.

Casa Très Chic said...

Fabulous presentation, congratulations on your post, it's perfect.
Have a happy nice week.
Hugs from Brasil

Evan said...

So fierce! I specially love the combo of spots and stripes in the last one!


Hal E. Liebling said...

You just blow my mind continually. No words.


Las Rayas No Estilizan said...

great post! love all the ideas!



Ashe + Aric said...

Oh gosh this gives me good ideas for tomorrow morning. Thanks for making me stop being lazy with clothes :)

mosaicology said...

WOW, You are intelligent and highly creative. I sensed this blog was special, now I have a living proof. congrats girl!!


mosaicology said...

I have awarded you on my blog here


R.G. said...

ähmm wow! This is awesome!!!

xx from germayn


Unknown said...

Gorgeous equation! And now I need to see more from your blog!:)

Angel said...

I love how you pieced and combined your basics to these fur items! I've been wanting a fur coat for a long while now. Actually, a fur anything.


Well done!!

Elle Bomb said...

YESSS! I just found your site and I'm in love! You are genius!

Elle Bomb

I am Vintage Lover said...


Dylana Suarez said...

These are all such amazing pieces!



KatieSimcox said...

Inspiring as fuck....

ACIM said...

Wow i love your blog - so inspiring.
All this stuff - simply creative...
I just became a bis fan :)
looking forward hearing from you

TRIGG said...


Lydia Armstrong said...

Love. Just, love.

Tim said...

ooh such a pretty dress! and nice blog

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