Clearly, I love sparkly crystal as much as the next person but I'm sort of sick of "elegant" silver trees. The Plaza has a tack-tastic, vomitous pink thing in their lobby (has anyone else seen it?) It had Betsey Johnson pink presents underneath it and I think it involved zebra of some variety. It was radioactive, and so, I was taken with it for all of three minutes before I realized there were about three ornaments on it and the whole thing is plastic. But kudos to them for going for in-your-face color. Enough about trees. Mine are always better.

Hey! I first saw your crystal creations from a picture posted on pinterest, and have since spent the last 20 minutes in awe of your work!! I'dm definitely going to put some of your work on my own pinterest board in the stuio shopping list folder! I love your christmas tree photos, and if you don't mind I want to steal that "tack-tastic" word, very funny!
Genius! The dripping crystal Christmas tree is killer! Love it on the chest you painted. So nice to see your trees and a little of your apt. as well!
You make lovely pictures!! Wow :) xx
Love your pics!!1 visit my blog on
xoxo Marika
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