


Three years ago today, we started this little blog. Three years of sticking it to good taste, swinging from chandeliers and roasting harlequin chickens. Happy birthday, baby (IN)DECOROUS, we've had a few follies.

We painted: Rooms (And rugs. And commodes. And pillows. And zebras.)

And bags.

And chairs. A love affair with chintz began continues.

We roasted.

We pasted:

We did some heavy lifting:

Our chairs played dress up.

And so did we.  A love affair with lucite began continues.

We wrote.  About Florine:

And gabbed.  About Tom Ford's tractors:

We marveled.  About the man who, over the course of a lifetime designed a set of furniture for the gods, in the obscurity his own garage.

We wished we could eat rocks (rocklets?).

We painted bars. And boozed.

And boozed.

And sometime while we were boozing, Saskia De Brauw wore our harness on her head in Vogue Italia...

We made our first pair of shoes.

And then we made more.

So, cheers to us.

And to you, dear readers, for following all this time.